Fresh Plea to Remove Arvind Kejriwal as Delhi Chief Minister Filed in High Court

Amidst mounting controversies and legal battles, a fresh plea has been lodged in the Delhi High Court, seeking the removal of Arvind Kejriwal from his position as the Chief Minister of Delhi. This latest development comes on the heels of a similar plea that was dismissed by the court just a day prior.

The plea filed on Friday rekindles the debate surrounding Kejriwal’s eligibility to hold office, particularly in light of recent events. Notably, on Thursday, the Delhi High Court rejected a public interest litigation (PIL) aimed at ousting Kejriwal from his role as Chief Minister. The court cited the petitioner’s failure to establish any legal provision prohibiting the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader from continuing to govern following his arrest, thereby dismissing the plea.

In its deliberations, the court emphasized the need for restraint in judicial intervention, asserting that matters pertaining to the removal of a chief minister should be examined by other branches of government in accordance with the law. The bench, comprising Acting Chief Justice Manmohan and Justice Manmeet PS Arora, underscored the limited scope for judicial interference in such matters, refraining from making any conclusive remarks on the underlying merits of the issue.

The call for Kejriwal’s resignation gained momentum following his arrest in connection with a money laundering case linked to the now-defunct Delhi excise policy. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) took Kejriwal into custody on March 21, sparking widespread debate and controversy.

As the legal battle ensues and public scrutiny intensifies, the fate of Arvind Kejriwal’s tenure as Delhi’s Chief Minister hangs in the balance. With each twist and turn in this unfolding saga, the spotlight remains firmly trained on the corridors of power in the national capital, underscoring the intricate interplay between law, governance, and public accountability.


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