Strengthening Bilateral Ties: PM Modi and Belgian PM De Croo Discuss Trade and Strategic Partnership

In a significant diplomatic exchange, Prime Minister Narendra Modi engaged in a telephone conversation with his Belgian counterpart, Alexander De Croo, to review and bolster bilateral relations between India and Belgium. The dialogue, which touched upon various facets of collaboration, underscored the commitment of both nations to enhance cooperation in crucial areas such as trade, semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, and strategic partnerships.

Fostering Strategic Partnerships

During the conversation, Prime Minister Modi congratulated Prime Minister De Croo on the successful hosting of the first Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels, emphasizing the importance of such initiatives in fostering global cooperation and innovation. The leaders reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening the India-European Union (EU) strategic partnership, particularly under Belgium’s presidency of the Council of the EU, highlighting the significance of collective efforts in addressing pressing global challenges.

Exploring Areas of Collaboration

A key focus of the discussion centered on exploring avenues to deepen economic ties and promote collaboration across diverse sectors. Both leaders emphasized the potential for enhanced cooperation in trade, investment, clean technologies, semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, green hydrogen, IT, defence, and ports. The mutual recognition of these strategic sectors highlights the shared commitment to fostering innovation and sustainable development.

Addressing Global Challenges

In addition to bilateral cooperation, the leaders also exchanged views on regional and global developments, including the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, as well as the importance of safeguarding shipping lanes in the Red Sea. Recognizing the significance of regional stability, Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister De Croo emphasized the need for enhanced cooperation to support the restoration of peace and security in West Asia and address the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Looking Ahead: A Bilateral Partnership

As India and Belgium navigate complex geopolitical dynamics and economic challenges, the reaffirmation of their bilateral partnership reflects a shared commitment to advancing mutual interests and addressing global challenges. With a focus on collaboration, innovation, and strategic cooperation, both nations are poised to deepen their ties and contribute to regional and global stability in the years to come.


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