Exciting news awaits fans of Telugu cinema as hero Sundeep Kishan and director Trinadha Rao Nakkina join forces for the first time in the actor’s 30th film. Both the actor and the director have garnered immense success with their recent outings, with Sundeep Kishan delivering a stellar performance in “Ooru Peru Bhairavakona” and Trinadha Rao Nakkina weaving magic with “Dhamaka.”
Producing this much-anticipated project is Razesh Danda, the mastermind behind the blockbuster hits “Samajavaragamana” and “OPBK,” under the banners of AK Entertainments and Hasya Movies. Adding to the anticipation is the involvement of popular writer Prasanna Kumar Bezawada, known for his collaborations with Trinadha Rao Nakkina in several hits, who will be handling the story, screenplay, and dialogues for the film.
Promising hilarious family entertainment, #SK30 brings together a powerhouse team of successful individuals from the industry. Fans can look forward to seeing Sundeep Kishan in a full-fledged family entertainer after a significant gap, adding a new dimension to his versatile acting repertoire.
With the film set to be mounted on a grand scale, audiences can expect top-notch production values and the involvement of renowned technicians to ensure a cinematic treat like no other. While the details about the film’s heroine and other aspects remain under wraps, the anticipation surrounding #SK30 continues to soar.
Stay tuned for further updates on this eagerly awaited collaboration between Sundeep Kishan, Trinadha Rao Nakkina, and an ensemble of talented individuals, promising a delightful cinematic experience for audiences of all ages.