The Ongoing Battle Against Caste Discrimination: Dr. Ritu Singh’s Struggle for Justice

In the heart of Delhi University’s campus, amidst the bustling academic atmosphere, lies a story of resilience and relentless pursuit of justice. Dr. Ritu Singh, a scholar with a doctoral degree in Psychology from Delhi University, found herself embroiled in a battle against caste discrimination that shook the foundations of Daulat Ram College.

Dr. Singh’s journey at Daulat Ram College began with promise and hope. In August 2019, she was appointed as an Assistant Professor, securing a position through a procedure designed to address temporary vacancies for the Scheduled Caste category. However, what followed was a stark betrayal of her trust in the institution and the principles it purported to uphold.

Just a year into her tenure, in August 2020, Dr. Singh was abruptly terminated from her position. She alleges that her termination was not based on merit or performance but stemmed from the deeply entrenched caste discrimination prevalent within the college’s administration, particularly at the hands of Principal Dr. Savita Roy.

Dr. Singh’s protest against her unjust termination has been unwavering, despite facing numerous obstacles along the way. She took her fight to the streets, demanding the removal of Principal Roy and drawing attention to the systemic oppression faced by Dalit educators like herself.

The path to justice has been riddled with challenges. Despite presenting evidence of forged documents and fabricated allegations against her, Dr. Singh has encountered resistance at every turn. The failure of the court, college administration, and the SC commission to take decisive action against Principal Roy underscores the pervasive nature of caste discrimination within institutional frameworks.

The solidarity Dr. Singh has received from various quarters is a testament to the widespread recognition of the urgent need to address caste-based discrimination. Fraternity Movement National General Secretary Lubaib Basheer, along with other leaders, has extended support to Dr. Singh’s cause, emphasizing the collective responsibility to resist such injustices both legally and politically.

Even former social welfare minister Rajendra Pal Gautam has thrown his weight behind Dr. Singh’s demand for justice, echoing the sentiment that her fight is not hers alone but a collective struggle against entrenched inequality.

In the face of adversity, Dr. Ritu Singh’s determination remains unshaken. Her unwavering commitment to seeking justice serves as a beacon of hope for marginalized communities across the country. As her battle rages on, it is imperative that we stand in solidarity with her cause, for it is only through collective action that we can dismantle the structures of oppression and pave the way for a more equitable future.


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