India Slips to 85th Position on Henley Passport Index

India’s ranking on the Henley Passport Index, a measure of a country’s passport strength, has slipped one rank down from last year to secure the 85th position. However, there is a silver lining as visa-free travel for Indians has increased from 60 to 62 countries in the last year.

The Henley Passport Index ranks countries based on the number of destinations their citizens can travel to without requiring a visa. While India’s ranking has declined slightly, it’s essential to note that the ability to travel visa-free is a significant indicator of a country’s soft power and global influence.

Among the top-ranking countries on the index, Japan holds the top spot, followed by Germany, Italy, and Singapore, among others. France, with visa-free access to 194 countries, remains at the pinnacle of the index.

India’s immediate neighbors, Pakistan and Bangladesh, have been ranked 106 and 102 respectively. While Pakistan’s ranking remained unchanged from last year, Bangladesh slipped by one notch. Maldives, India’s maritime neighbor, secured the 56th position with visa-free access to 96 countries.

China has witnessed a marginal improvement in its ranking, moving up from 66 in 2023 to 64 this year. Similarly, the United States has moved up to the sixth position on the index compared to its seventh position last year.

The Henley Passport Index relies on data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA) covering 199 different passports and 227 travel destinations worldwide over the past 19 years. The index is updated monthly and serves as a global standard for citizens of independent countries.

While India’s slip in the ranking may raise concerns, the increase in visa-free travel opportunities reflects gradual improvements in international relations and diplomatic efforts. As countries strive to enhance their global standing, the Henley Passport Index remains a valuable benchmark for measuring passport strength and travel freedoms.


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