Director Siddharth Anand has stirred curiosity among fans with a cryptic post on his Instagram Story, hinting at disappointment over the lukewarm reception to his latest directorial venture, “Fighter,” starring Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone. The post, which shared a thought-provoking quote, left fans wondering about the underlying message and potential fallout with Yash Raj Films (YRF).
“Your biggest fan is a stranger. Your biggest hater is someone you know,” read the enigmatic quote shared by Siddharth. The “War” director’s caption, “Hahaha, what a thought,” further fueled speculation about the source of his discontent.
Netizens have taken to Reddit to dissect Siddharth’s cryptic post, with many speculating about a possible fallout with YRF following “Fighter’s” underperformance at the box office. Some users pointed to Siddharth’s unexpected departure from directing “War 2” as further evidence of tensions with the production house.
Released on January 25, “Fighter” failed to meet box office expectations, earning only Rs 2.65 crore on its fifteenth day and a total of Rs 187.40 crore across all languages, according to a Sacnilk report. Despite featuring an ensemble cast led by Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, the film struggled to resonate with audiences.
In a recent interview with Galatta Plus, Siddharth Anand reflected on the film’s lackluster performance, attributing it to the unconventional nature of the project. He acknowledged that “Fighter” represented a significant departure from traditional Bollywood fare, venturing into uncharted territory with its unique genre and narrative. Siddharth expressed frustration over the audience’s unfamiliarity with the film’s concept, lamenting the lack of reference points for viewers to engage with.
Despite the setbacks, “Fighter” remains a testament to Siddharth Anand’s ambition as a filmmaker and his willingness to push boundaries in pursuit of cinematic innovation. While the film may not have achieved commercial success, its bold vision and star-studded cast undoubtedly sparked conversation and left a lasting impression on audiences.
As speculation surrounding Siddharth Anand’s cryptic post continues to mount, fans eagerly await further clarification from the director himself. In the meantime, “Fighter” serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of the film industry and the challenges inherent in bringing daring, unconventional projects to the silver screen.